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OpenAthens Ideas Portal

We're always looking for ways to improve our products, and we'd love your input to help us make that happen. Your suggestions will guide us in deciding where we should focus our future research and development.

Just sign in with your email to share your thoughts or vote for ideas you like—it'll help them get noticed!

Here’s how the portal is organised:

  • Librarians (Identity Providers): Share ideas that help organisations that manage user identities and provide access to online content and services. This includes improving the experience for students and researchers.

  • Publishers (Service Providers): Share ideas for organisations that offer content and services.

Guidance on using this portal

Status Feedback wanted
Workspace Librarians
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 5, 2024

Longer-lasting sessions/cookies

1. Make the "Access code" requrement take much longer to re-appear (months instead of weeks). Being required to wait for this code so often is disruptive to workflow. At least IP-validate on site like it once did.

2. Make the session times much longer. When returning to the OpenAthens webpage after a break the session has timed out and the page must refresh, causing further disruption.

Is this currently impacting your ability to use OpenAthens effectively? Yes
Idea type Time saver
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Mar 6, 2025

    I would like to see the wording changed, as it will tell us we are accessing it from a new location or from off-campus when we aren't. I queried this and was told we needed the access code at all locations, regardless. This is fine, but the message is still confusing.

    If this request is approved we would like to see it as optional/configurable. Given that logging into OpenAthens admin accounts with SSO is not possible, we rely on the access code to meet security requirements. Extending the session time and the access code requirements would impact security standards.

  • Guest
    Jan 9, 2025

    Agree. And the wording on the notification is misleading. "Someone recently attempted to sign in to the OpenAthens Administration area from a new computer or location"... No. It's just me. At the same computer. Again.

  • Guest
    Dec 18, 2024

    Agree. It's annoying to have to get the code so often.

  • Guest
    Dec 8, 2024

    I second this. We have casuals working the front desks. They have to leave customers waiting while they come back to get the code from the person associated with the email address.